

I love my owl hat, and everyone else loves it, too. :3

And I'm gonna' wear it for the rest of the winter because it has ear flaps (which helps since I live in a town where winds can reach everyday gusts of 15 miles an hour) and is made of fleece and felt (and, you know, fleece is like ARMOR against cold).

This was lovingly drawn with my beautiful Prismacolor markers and my ultra sleek mechanical pencil. :D

With the help of my incredi-easel! Because my back hurts from slouching a lot.


  1. Great Hat, very cool and most funny.
    My Sister has a Totoro Hat like it.
    Have Fun!
    An Endless Voyager...

  2. Hey theendlessvoyage,
    OMG I must see this hat now!
    Thanks very much for reading. :D
